My challenges are:
1. Convert a model with a freehand greenstuff sculpt. (7)
- I've got a funny idea for this one probably using Eisenhorn as a base Idea. (by the way; I just finished Magos (the last book) and it had some cool twists; nothing like reading Xenos the first time but quite compelling never the less)
2. Bring something yummy for the tummy for a goblin night. (52)
- No idea yet, but that can't be to hard ...
3. Make a diorama display of a vehicle. (13)
- Gaslands would be the easy route here, but I've also got a more "alternative" idea ...
4. Play a miniature game on a strange location. (20)
- Plenty idea's for this one; a museum being one of em :)
- The Jar beeing our place of honor for models on the table that did well or ...
6. Paint a different scale then 28mm (12)
- I could rig the Gaslands mini here as well, or maybe double an other project; but probably just do something extra just 'cus
7. Organize a scenario game (24)
- no idea yet :(
8. Bring a non goblin friend to a goblin night (43)
- step one; ... make some friends :D
9.Personalize your goblin outfit/shirt (45)
- constantly having idea's for this kind of stuff; guess I'll execute at least one of them this year
10. Do something for the community. (37)
- a hard one this is ... as I'm on the board of the club; helping to run this event and the next ... where do I find the time ... Lets see what we can do here :/
11. Post 10 WIP models on the Hopper (different models) (40)
- The Hopper being our FB group; I've posted 2 GS convertions so far ...
12. Make a #goblinsinhetwild photo.(54)
- I knew this idea would bite me in the kneecaps one day ... Take a picture of another Goblin (club member) on a non goblin activity ...
13. Play a game from your birth year. (30)
- 1979 ... I haven't got the faintest idea ...
14. Finish a project you’ve had for over a year
- I should be able to clear this with my Mordheim Judge ... (more on him soon :)
I realize this probably isn't the best read ever; but it establishes a basis for what I'm going to do in the coming few weeks. Was this necessary for you ... probably not; but now I've got a little reference point to work from :)
I'll be back soon I hope
ReplyDeleteooh and you may use me for nr. 8