All the small things

Greetings one and all,

In the last few years I've shifted my focus from "all over the place" to at least skirmish Projects only and primarily fantasy. Gaming systems don't realy speak to me, more the aesthetics of things. So the nostalgia of 6th edition and Mordheim are a big win 🙂

On a mechanical stand point (what the rules do) I realy don't care. I'd love to do things like rangers of shadow deep or pulp alley. But like I said not a rules kind of guy so as long as my gaming buddy's are not doing it it will probably not happen.

For the meat of my post I would like to take you in to the world of scenery building. Like I said, not going for big projects any more, and I saw gaming spaces shrinking. The new kill team as per example.

So I decided to make a small table using a Ikea frame (as a friend suggested) 90/60cm I believe.

Started out making some scenery here and there basing them all to match. And making some woods to fit them together.

The thing I found most rewarding is "the story go's on and on". For instance I've ordered some 3d prints inspired by the grudge of drong campaign. 3 buildings exactly like the cardboards in the box. Nice. Painted them up, based, flocked... nice

But you know what would be cool, a road in dwarven fashion ...

Or a mine entrance to match
Or ...
So, I keep on building on several tables. I'm sure if I put all of this together it would easily fill a themed table.
I'm enjoying this new approach and will gladly take you on a tour table by table 🙂


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